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Ураган 1 ~ Гнев Ирмы

Immerse yourself in the evocative artwork of Humberto Poidomani, capturing the powerful narrative of Hurricane Irma’s devastation and resilience. This exclusive collection features five masterpieces that vividly depict the hurricane’s impact across the Caribbean and Florida. Each painting tells a unique story of destruction and hope, offering a poignant tribute to the human spirit’s strength in the face of nature’s fury. Available now at the Exceptional Art online gallery.


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Acrylic, Spray Paint on Canvas, 72x60in
Гнев Ирмы, see blog article здесь

One of five art pieces Irma’s Wrath (Hurricane 1)

Two of five art pieces Devastation in Saint Martin (Hurricane 2)

Three of five art pieces Cuba’s Struggle (Hurricane 3)

Four of five art pieces Florida Under Siege (Hurricane 4)

Five of five art pieces Resilience (Hurricane 5)


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Acrylic and spray paint artwork titled 'Irma's Wrath' by Poidomani, depicting the swirling chaos and raw power of Hurricane Irma as it tears through Barbuda with vibrant colors and dynamic strokes."Ураган 1 ~ Гнев Ирмы

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