As Irma moved westward, it transformed from a tropical storm into a full-fledged hurricane by August 31. The rapid intensification continued, and within 24 hours, Irma had become a Category 3 hurricane, a major hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale. The storm’s central, dense, overcast, and developing eye hinted at its potential for further growth.
Artist Humberto Poidomani, 住在邁阿密的他對颶風並不陌生,他一生中經歷過好幾次。他懷著敬畏和恐懼的心情看著艾爾瑪的力量不斷增強。受到大自然憤怒的原始力量和美麗的啟發,波伊多馬尼開始創作一系列繪畫,以捕捉他在天氣圖和衛星圖像上看到的事物的本質。 Humberto Poidomani 的颶風艾瑪藝術
The Monster Awakens
By September 4, Irma had undergone an eyewall replacement cycle, a common phenomenon in intense hurricanes that often leads to intense fluctuations. However, this did not deter Irma’s growth. By September 5, the storm had reached Category 5, with sustained winds of 175 mph (282 km/h). Irma had become an annular hurricane, characterized by its large, symmetric eye and intense, uniform convection. 9月6日,艾尔玛飓风以巅峰强度首次在巴布达岛登陆。这个小岛遭受了毁灭性的打击。建筑物被夷为平地,树木被连根拔起,岛上的基础设施被摧毁。岛上的气象站记录到了914毫巴(27.0英寸汞柱)的最低气压,使艾尔玛成为有史以来袭击大西洋地区最强烈的飓风之一。